SEE someone OFF

Airports and long-distance train stations have always seemed to me to have a sentimental feel. Parents leaving their grown-up children as they head back to university; lovers snatching a final kiss while they can; friends hugging and promising not to leave it so long til next time… they are places that are full of goodbyes.Continue reading “SEE someone OFF”


We can’t always do everything well. When we do something badly, sometimes we just want to forget about it. However, at times, we have that one friend or relative who likes to remind us of how badly we’ve done. And then telling us again later… and then again another day… just to make sure weContinue reading “RUB it IN”


Most of us have a role model in life. Sometimes it’s someone we know – a relative who has always set us a good example, or a friend who we admire. Equally, young people often have celebrities as role models – a footballer who they aspire to be like, or a singer who has achievedContinue reading “LOOK UP TO”

WEAR someone OUT

At the moment everything seems to take more effort. Whether it’s work, childcare, relationships, leisure or social life, in the midst of a pandemic there are so many things to consider in this ‘new normal’, that things we previously did automatically take so much more time and energy. I don’t know about you, but it’sContinue reading “WEAR someone OUT”

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